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Add your voice to our call to Government for a Sustainable Spending Scorecard

Dear Prime Minister,

I want the companies and institutions which I trust with my money – such as my bank and pension provider– to look after it well. This includes ensuring my money provides me with financial security AND addresses some of the major problems facing me and the rest of the country today – such as unemployment and extreme weather.

As part of Good Money Week I am seeking honest and easy to understand information about how my money is being used to ensure that this is the case.

I believe the Government can send a clear signal to everyone that these issues are important by telling us how our taxes – our money – are being spent to create a healthier, happier society and to protect the environment.

This is our money and I am asking you to commit to producing a Sustainable Spending Scorecard that shows me exactly how much is being spent on combating the social and environmental problems threatening the UK.

Examples of what the Scorecard should address include the amount of public funds spent on:

  • low carbon and climate change initiatives
  • supporting social enterprises in the UK
  • ensuring the UK is a world leader in sustainable agriculture
  • addressing issues around the UK’s ageing population
  • building a fairer and more prosperous Britain through supporting equality, employment and human rights in the UK

I look forward to hearing your response.

Yours sincerely,


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