Financial organisations conditions

All financial organisations must adhere to the following conditions of participation. You must agree to these conditions before using the logos and/or website banners.

1.I/we understand that participation under these conditions is open only to those who are regulated investment professionals, financial services organisations or others with a commercial interest in financial services. I/we confirm that I/we are eligible under these conditions.

2.I/we will seek to protect and enhance the good reputation of Good Money Week; I/we will ensure that all my/our Good Money Week activities and communications are legal, easily understood, clear, fair, not misleading, trying to give an accurate and balanced view and not discriminatory or offensive.

3.I/we confirm that I/we are in good standing with all relevant regulators, eg. the Financial Conduct Authority, and will meet all regulatory and compliance requirements relevant to our Good Money Week activities.

4.For banks, investment managers and product providers only: I/we confirm that we are an UKSIF member or affiliate and will remain so in October 2015.

5.For financial advisers only: I/we confirm that I/we can offer informed advice to clients about green and ethical investments and recommend appropriate green and ethical investments to interested clients or refer them elsewhere.

6.I/we will follow the Good Money Week brand guidelines in using the logos and other materials.

7.I/we will describe my involvement as as ‘supporting’ or ‘backing’ Good Money Week, not as ‘sponsor of’ or ‘sponsoring’ the Week or otherwise give a potentially misleading impression of the nature of my support. I/we will ensure that any acknowledgement of external support for activities or communications (eg. sponsorship of a local event) is clearly specific to that and does not imply sponsorship of Good Money Week as a whole.

8.I/we accept that UKSIF and any others involved in Good Money Week do not take any responsibility for any statements made by me/us during the week or for any expenses or legal liabilities incurred. I/we accept that my/our activities are not covered by any insurance held by UKSIF or others involved in the Week.

9.I/we agree to:

  • provide reasonable information to UKSIF to enable publicity, monitoring and evaluation of Good Money Week.
  • allow UKSIF to send me/us information about the Week and green and ethical investment.
  • withdraw from participation at any time at the request of UKSIF.