

Where your treasure is: Christian perspectives on money


JustMoney Movement / Adult Learning at St Paul's Cathedral


London, London




Faith Groups, Everyone

Biblical teaching has much to offer us on the subject of money, but we often shy away from this controversial, even taboo, topic. At the same time, the cost of living crisis, following on from the Covid-19 pandemic, has us all talking more about money – from the price of food in the shops, to the cost of our public services and the vast inequalities in our society. Money shapes an economy riven with injustice, inequality, and environmental degradation. How could Christian thinking inform an understanding of money that creates a fairer, greener future? What would this mean for how we use money ourselves, how money is invested by banks and businesses, and shared via the tax system?

As part of Good Money Week 2023, Sarah Edwards from the JustMoney Movement will be hosting a workshop exploring these themes of money and faith and what the impact of connecting them might be.