Harriet Parker, Investment Manager, Liontrust Sustainable Investment team

Highlights of recent engagement activity include meaningful progress on board gender diversity. In 2016, we began withholding support for companies that were not sufficiently gender diverse: where they had less than 15% women on the board, we voted against the annual report and accounts at the AGM and abstained where this was greater than 15% but less than 30%. In 2019, we used the same process but focused on the resolution to re-elect the Chair of the Nomination Committee.

Twenty one companies in our funds have increased the proportion of women on their boards to over 30%, such that we no longer need to withhold support. After voting, these companies now have an average of 38% female boards, compared to just 22% before we began voting. A further 15 have increased the number of women on their boards, and we remain positive that continued efforts through voting and engagement should result in further progress